Life su*c*ks

Why are you so angry and so frustrated?
It is because you found out that you have to change your dreams with...stress, no sleep, no time... for some coins?
You are not alowed to be happy because of the money that spins the earth. If it is not money, then health, or you are scared of a step forward. You have to know that life sucks anyway. There will be always someone that tells you that you are NoT GooD EnaughT, that you are not allowed to do that or this, that you don't have the power or that you don not deserve better and you have to stay in your place forever.
Because an educated brain it is a brain that can Not be DeFeAtEd, we are not allowed to think.
You, yeah you! You have the power to do everything you wish, to work for what brings you joy and happiness and to become whatever you want!
Be always your truest self!
Be quiet!
Educate your brain, everyday, with helpful things!
Do something that makes you happy, E V E R Y D A Y!
Work hard for your dreams!
Rest, it is helping more than you think!
Practice your skills E V E R Y D A Y!
Don't go mad or hard on you! Cry,rise and try again and again and again!
Meditate! Take deep breaths!